Let’s assume I’m trying to create the Facebook Registeration Page.

Let’s assume I’m trying to create the Facebook Registeration Page.

I can decide to verify a form using HTML, Javascript,Python.

  1. You create the page using (Html&css)
    And then link the submit button to submit.php

  2. Then I  will create a validation.js script that will validate the form. (It will access the DOM and make sure everything has been filled well)
    If the form is valid, it’ll return True else : False

  3. Next I’ll create a php script that will run the validation.js and read it’s output.

  4. If the output is from the javascript file is True, the php script will then submit the form to an SQL databse somewhere in the cloud.


  1. So when the user presses on the submit button, the php script is called.
    Then the php script will call validation.js to validate the form… then the process continues

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